Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Civilization at its peak

Being a part of a minority, I too appreciate and support the spirit of pluralism and open-mindedness. I’m afraid my open-mindedness about other cultures and customs has its limits though. It’s become less and less acceptable to criticize other “cultures”. Well, as should be evident from my previous posts, I don’t give a rat’s ass.

With that, what the fuck kind of a culture is that?! Not only did he kill his step-daughter (niece), but figured, let’s add three more for a good measure; or just in case. Go ahead and tell me how it’s a different culture, and it requires understanding, acceptance, and chanting together. A culture that habitually lets such atrocities go on cannot, and should not be understood. God forbid our police should develop “an understanding” for honor killings (and isn’t it an oxymoron?). Feel like slaughtering a couple of kids to set an example? Here’s an idea: go hang yourself in a public square (that WOULD constitute an honor killing).

We’ve had our own wackjobs who suddenly become vessels of God or Satan, and must do their biddings (strangely, it’s never, picking up garbage, annoying telemarketers, or reading to the blind), but it’s not “cultural”, just insane and evil. And it’s treated and recognized by everyone as such. With fundamentalist Muslims, it’s cultural, or they put it, “a family dispute”. As cultural “issues” go, this one disqualifies them from being considered a civilization altogether.

Hardly a day goes by without seeing a rep from some Muslim association for promoting cultural understanding (or some other shit like that) point out how their fellow Americans are not being very understanding or downright hostile. Here’s another idea (I’m full of them today), get in touch with your brethren in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other “Stans”, and find out what the fuck is going on there, why it’s going on, and what you can do to stop it. Then get back to us. And for god’s sake, if you disapprove of these kinds of things, get on the fucking tube and tell that to everyone (at least as frequently as you condemn Israel for killing known terrorists); maybe then we won’t associate you with terrorist-supporting charities and defenders of rights for suspected terrorists.

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